~An awakened and pleasurable birthing experience~
Guiding mothres and fathers in nourishing themselves and their relationship during the birthing experience

Naturally Nourished Couples Welcomes You

~Naturally Nourished Couples~

Each pregnancy is a miracle as well as a life transforming process. For the last 17 years, Jessica has practiced energetic facilitation to guide and support women in the process of having a healthy labor, delivery, and post recovery. Services for moms are also available for dads to help keep their relationship in a place of care and love in order to joyfully bring children into the world and raise a healthy baby. Contact Jessica at Naturally Nourished Couples for a free consultation to see how she can best support your awakened and pleasurable birthing experience.
I offer a variety of support services personalized for each client. Depending on when you hire me, I provide advice on everything from nutrition and exercise to developing a birth plan and picking the right birthing facility.