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My Services

All pregnancies are different, and that’s why I work with each client to develop a customized plan for pregnancy, birth and beyond. If I sound like a good fit, look at the services I offer below, and get in touch with me to schedule an initial consultation.

Mother and Baby
Hand on Bump
Expectant Couple

Mindful Transformation

Processes, guiding release of limiting beliefs and replacing them with liberating and freeing ones. This Experience brings empowerment and nourishment together leaving you prepared for your birthing experience 


Energy Alignment 
with Energetic Facilitaion 

Realining disrupted energy for a state of better well being using the healing arts of Jin shin Jyutsu and Foot Zone Therapy

Birthing Guidence 

With my Birthing Guidance, I offer unwavering support to you and your family before, during and after birth. I will stay in close contact in order to routinely check how you’re doing and step in with anything you might need.I take on a limited number of clients at any one time to make sure I can give you the full care and attention you deserve. By offering Prenatal Visits, my goal is to reduce any stress, allowing you to pay attention to your body and your baby.

Pregnancy, birth and the early days of child rearing can be very scary and stressful. My role with my Postpartum Support service is to ensure you get the best information and care possible. No matter when you need me, I will be there offering support.

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